Chara Rinko Time required : 15minutes
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- Bread (for sandwiches) : 6 sheets
- 合い挽き肉 : 180g
- 玉ねぎ : 200g
- (A) Cream cheese (herb & garlic flavor) : 108g
- (A) Milk : 50cc
- (B) Canned tomato (sauce type) : 1缶
- (B) water : 200cc
- cheese (melting type) : 50g
- 無塩バター : 30g
- (C)塩 : 適量
- (C)ホワイトペッパー : 適量
Time required
Put (A) in a bowl and knead with a whipper to make cheese sauce.
Preheat the oven at 200 degrees. -
make the sauce
Heat a frying pan, add the minced meat, and fry over high heat until lightly browned.
Add the onion, and when it turns brown, add (B) and bring to a boil.
After boiling, check the taste, add (C) to adjust the taste, and simmer for 20 minutes over medium heat. -
Bake in a heat-resistant dish
Evenly spread a little less than half the amount of unsalted butter on a heat-resistant plate, and layer the bread, tomato sauce, cheese sauce from step 1, bread, tomato sauce, cheese sauce, bread, and melted cheese.
Put the remaining unsalted butter on top and put it in the lower part of the oven and bake it at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.
・Fry minced meat without adding oil. For beef only, lightly spread olive oil and fry.
・The more you fry the onions, the more flavor you get.
・This recipe uses a heat-resistant plate that can hold two slices of bread.
・Apply butter not only to the bottom but also to the sides.
apron Time required : 5minutes
Cooking Time required : 20minutes
Baba Rice <Robert> Baba's Kitchen Time required : 10minutes
Cooking classes that are in tune with the lifestyles of chef Sakura Time required : 20minutes
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