小倉知巳のイタリアンプロ養成講座 Time required : 15minutes
Mashed potato | Yoshiko's first recipe transcription of cooking class
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- Potatoes (Akari Kita) : 4 small (300g)
- butter : 1 tablespoon
- milk : 50-75 ml
- salt : Appropriate amount
Time required
Peel the potatoes that have been heated in the microwave for 6 minutes to remove the rough heat.
Put in a bowl and mash with a masher. -
Mix butter and milk
Put butter and milk in a pan and heat to warm until the butter melts.
Reduce the heat (you can turn off the heat if it burns), add salt to 2 and potatoes from 1 and mix.
Adjust the amount of milk and mix until smooth.
・ Wrap potatoes in plastic wrap in advance and heat in a 600W microwave oven for 6 minutes.
・ If you strain it, it will be even more delicious.
・ Put potatoes in butter and milk for a smooth finish. Be careful not to add butter and milk to the potatoes.
・ Since the amount of water varies depending on the type of potato, adjust the amount of milk while watching the situation.
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